Horizon Community Funds Announces Emergency Coronavirus Relief Fund for Northern Kentucky
Horizon Community Funds Announces Emergency Coronavirus Relief Fund for Northern Kentucky
Support sought from NKY community and businesses for $4 million fund
Horizon Community Funds of Northern Kentucky is quickly launching a new fund to support Northern Kentuckians facing increased crises or needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Horizon NKY Coronavirus Relief Fund aims to raise at least $4 million, with nearly half of that already committed.
Through generous support from The Butler Foundation and The R.C. Durr Foundation, and corporate citizens including Fischer Homes and Drees Homes Foundation, First Financial Bank, and other individuals Horizon Community Funds has secured pre-commitments approaching $1.8 million as matching gifts to raise these much-needed funds.
The Relief Fund will provide flexible financial assistance to nonprofits serving Boone, Campbell, and Kenton counties in Northern Kentucky that are experiencing increased demand for resources in response to the COVID-19 virus in our community.
More information about the Relief Fund, including how to donate, can be found at www.horizonfunds.org/coronavirus-relief-fund.
“This is the time for Northern Kentuckians to step up for each other,” said Horizon Community Funds President Nancy Grayson. “Horizon Community Funds stands shoulder to shoulder with our community in these challenging times, and we call upon Northern Kentucky individuals and companies to join us in tackling the dire issues brought on by the novel COVID-19 pandemic. Your donation, in any amount, will help us to support our neighbors and our community together.”
The Relief Fund is a special fund for generating a significant source of money to use for citizens of Northern Kentucky, especially families who are suffering hardship from loss of jobs, income, or due to health-related events. Initial priorities for the Fund include: food and basic hygiene and cleaning supplies; medication and health care needs not supported by insurance; and access to essential needs.
"Now is the opportunity for our entire Northern Kentucky population to come together for this common purpose of supporting those who need help in this difficult time,” said Horizon Community Funds Board Chair Bill Butler. “Let us demonstrate that we care, that we are indeed one Northern Kentucky, united in giving.”
Individuals and businesses are encouraged to donate either online at www.horizonfunds.org, through check mailed to Horizon Community Funds, or through other methods as outlined on the website.
The resources will be deployed rapidly, foregoing the traditional long form application process. Instead, NKY Coronavirus Emergency Relief Fund partners will work with community advisors, local officials, and other stakeholders to identify organizations currently providing prioritized supports to Northern Kentuckians. The group anticipates making its first round of funding in the coming weeks.
“While we can't be hand in hand right now in Northern Kentucky, we are heart to heart,” said R. C. Durr Foundation Assistant to the President Jean Mize. “The R. C. Durr Foundation is proud to offer coronavirus relief assistance to other nonprofits with our foundation family, Horizon Community Funds, and The Butler Foundation.”
Funds will be released on a rolling basis as fundraising continues throughout the outbreak and recovery phases of the crisis, making it possible to move resources quickly and adapt to evolving needs in subsequent funding phases.
Fund efforts are also supported by: Central Bank, CTI Clinical Trial and Consulting Services, Drees Homes Foundation, Duke Energy, Heritage Bank, The Milburn Family Foundation, Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, Northern Kentucky University, St. Elizabeth Healthcare, and Republic Bank. Many generous individuals have also stepped up to offer support for the fund as it grows in Northern Kentucky.
Additionally, the continued partnership between Horizon Community Funds and St. Elizabeth Healthcare has introduced the St. Elizabeth Associate Crisis Support Fund, which offers financial assistance to St. Elizabeth employees during times of unexpected personal need. The fund allows donors the opportunity to directly support the needs of St. Elizabeth healthcare workers on the front lines of this crisis.
“Throughout our long history, St. Elizabeth associates have answered the call to serve each time our community has needed it the most,” said Garren Colvin, President & CEO, St. Elizabeth Healthcare. “We want to assure our neighbors that we are right here and fully prepared to care for them as we face this unprecedented challenge. “And while our dedicated associates stand on the front lines, we stand ready to support them and their families, now and in the weeks and months to come,” added Colvin. “These men and women are working around the clock to ensure the health and safety of our community.”
In a show of support for their colleagues, and to maximize the impact of individual gifts, the St. Elizabeth medical staff has pledged to match up to $100,000 of donations to the Associate Crisis Support Fund.
“Daily, I am humbled by the caring and compassion of our physicians and medical team,” said Colvin. This inspiring expression of support shows we are all in this together, and together we will make our way through it.”
For questions regarding the NKY Coronavirus Emergency Relief Fund or the St. Elizabeth Associate Crisis Support Fund, please contact Nancy Grayson at ngrayson@horizonfunds.org or 859.757.1552.
Kris Knochelmann, Kenton County Judge Executive:
“For years, I’ve watched our community rise to the challenge when it comes to taking care of our neighbors. I know there’s no group of people in our country that has worked harder to make sure that everyone around them is safe, housed, and fed. It’s time to do it again, in the face of a considerable challenge. I appreciate Horizon Community Funds for providing the vehicle through which we can help our neighbors, and I encourage those with the ability to join this effort. Let’s always remember to take care of each other. It’s what we do in Northern Kentucky.”
Gary Moore, Boone County Judge Executive:
“For many years Northern Kentucky has been the example that many other communities have used for regional collaboration. We have truly been a leader in this area! This unforeseen pandemic is testing us in ways that we never dreamed. Once again we must lead!”
Steve Pendery, Campbell County Judge Executive:
“The coronavirus pandemic not only threatens the physical health of every member of our community, it also threatens their jobs, their financial security and their future, creating a challenge unlike anything we have ever faced before. This thing is nothing like normal. In these circumstances, even the smallest kindness - simple thoughtfulness - will be appreciated much more deeply and will mean much more. Many will be extraordinarily generous and brave. We are all being reminded about what is most important in life. Above all, let’s be good to each other. Northern Kentuckians have worked together for our future for so long, and so successfully, as a group, we always seem to find the most effective ways to respond. The relief efforts of Horizon Community Funds are a great example. Let’s each do our part.”